Indie Aisle

Pages indie creator theme


The Pages theme is designed for indie creators and the indie web. It’s an HTML template of components that’s free, made for the Blocks Edit visual editor, that’s also free to use for individual creators. Components for short-form and long-form copy, with multiple layouts, a link tree, a customizable contact form, and more.

After building a page and editing content in Blocks Edit, it gets output to static HTML as well. So there’s no need for any special hosting setup. Microformats markup are built-in for the indie web. There’s page sharing Javascript functionality included. And Blocks Edit allows for exporting directly to your host to publish your pages live.

There’s also Indie Aisle products built-in that you can enable from your Indie Aisle account dashboard: Simple stats, and form submit to email for your contact forms, along with spam bot blocking. It’s a complete website toolkit based around web standards and publishing independently.

About Indie Aisle

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